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Lateral spinothalamic track

Updated: Nov 1, 2021


carries sensation for pain and temperature


it is located in the lateral column towards the medial side, near grey matter


First-order neuron

  • sensory fibres enter the spinal cord through the dorsal horn

  • they synapse with the marginal nucleus and the substantial gelatinosa

second-order neuron

  • they cross to reach the opposite side at the same segment

  • ascends and passes through the medulla, pons and midbrain to reach reticular formation of the brainstem

Third-order neuron

  • they carry sensation from the reticular formation of the brainstem and ends in the somesthetic area of the cerebral cortex (sensory cortex)


bilateral lesion

- loss of pain and temperature sensation on both the sides below the level of lesion

unilateral lesion

- loss of pain and temperature sensation in the opposite side, below the level of lesion

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1 Comment

Jun 24, 2021

Yes! It's working.

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