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  • V-shaped in cross-section

  • Lamellae

    • it consists of right and left lamellae

    • posterior parts of lamellae are far apart

    • anterior parts of lamellae approach each other

  • Laryngeal prominence

    • lower parts of right and left lamellae fuse to form this prominence

    • they are separated by thyroid notch

    • posterior borders are free

  • Superior horn

    • the lamellae project upwards to form the superior horns

    • the superior cornua are connected with greater cornua of hyoid bone through thyrohyoid ligament

  • Inferior horn

    • articulates with cricoid cartilage to form cricothyroid joint

    • it is connected to cricoid cartilage through conus elasticus

    • it is convex in the front and concave in the behind

  • oblique line

    • the outer surface of the laminae is marked by a slight prominence called oblique line

    • extends from the superior thyroid tubercle to the superior cornua

    • attachments

      • thyrohyoid

      • sternohyoid

      • thyrophyrangeus part of the inferior constrictor

Attachments :

  • the lower border of the inferior cornua

    • gives attachments to cricothyroid

  • insertion at posterior border connecting superior and inferior cornua

    • palatopharyngeal

    • salpinophayrangeus

    • stylopharyngeus

  • inner aspect attachments

    • median thyroepiglottic ligament

    • thyroepiglottic muscle on both sides

    • vestibular fold on both sides

    • vocal fold on both sides

    • thyroarytenoid

    • vocalis muscle on each side

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