cerebrospinal fluid is modified tissue fluid .it is present in the ventricular space of the brain and the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord.
Formation of CSF
the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles form the bulk of CSF.
there is about 150 ml of cerebrospinal fluid in a normal human central nervous system.
the average pressure of CSF is 60 to 100 mm of CSF
Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid
the nervous tissue of the spinal cord and the brain are nourished by the CSF therefore cerebrospinal fluid is always in constant circulation.
the CSF passes through each of the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle through the intraventricular foramen.
from the third ventricle, it passes through the fourth ventricle through the intraventricular foramen.
from the fourth ventricle, the cerebrospinal fluid passes to the subarachnoid space through the median and the lateral aperture of the fourth ventricle
CSF is absorbed through arachnoid villi and granulations and drained into the cavernous sinus.
Functions of Cerebrospinalfluid
cerebrospinal fluid decreases sudden preassure on nervous tissue
it nourishes nervous tissue since blood dosent come in direct contact with the neurons.
it returns products of metabolism to the venous sinus
constant oxygen is provided by the CSF
pineal gland secreation reaches the pitutary gland through CSF
cusions the brain within the solid vault.
The acual weight of the brain is larger than the real feel beacuse the brain is suspended in the Cerebrospinal fluid